The Ultimate Craft Hoarder Quiz – Where Do You Rank?”

March 19, 2025 By Julie Hyde 1
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Oh, the joys (and struggles) of being a craft supply enthusiast! We don’t mean to hoard… it just happens! Here are some all-too-relatable reasons why our craft stashes keep growing:

"But It Was on Sale!" – The ultimate excuse. When craft supplies are 50% off, it’s practically saving money, right?

🎨 "I Might Need It Someday." – Sure, that paper has been sitting there for five years, but the perfect project for it is just waiting to happen!

🛍️ "It's Too Pretty to Use." – That gorgeous patterned paper? Those stunning embellishments? Some supplies are just too precious to actually cut into.

🧩 "What If I Run Out?" – A true crafter’s nightmare. Better buy two (or five) of everything… just in case.

📦 "I Forgot I Had That!" – A common phrase when digging through drawers, bins, and baskets. Finding hidden treasures in your own stash is like shopping for free!

❤️ "It Sparks Joy!" – Marie Kondo would approve… if all of our supplies spark joy, we should definitely keep them all, right?

No judgment here! We craft because we love it, and sometimes that love spills over into just one more sheet of paper, roll of ribbon, or jar of buttons. 😆

Does any of this sound familiar? (Be honest!) 😂

What is the state of your craft space?

You have purchased storage containers to organise your craft supplies. How far have you progressed?

While crafting with friends!

Your local craft store has a clearance sale with huge discounts.

You have a tonne of mixed media products, some of which the contents have dried up. What do you do?

Your stockpile of buttons is stored in a?

When you have finished creating, you?

You go to a retreat and your car is:

Do you often think about your craft supplies and wonder whether you have too much?

Do you often part with some of your crafts products?

You have craft magazines that you purchased years ago.

If your friend is in need of an urgent craft supply, they come to your house before they go to the craft store.

When you buy craft supplies, you have to smuggle them into the house so your hubby doesn't find out.

When starting a new project, how do you gather supplies?

Thank your for completing the quiz.